La Christmas Song

Card Verse

Joyeux Noel Joyeux Noel Glad tidings a tous! Joyeux Noel Joyeux Noel Merry Christmas to you! Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee! Let's celebrate in the French way! Follow me! Oui oui! S'il vous plait ! Let's danser a dance et chanter a song An...

Joyeux Noel Joyeux Noel Glad tidings a tous! Joyeux Noel Joyeux Noel Merry Christmas to you! Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee! Let's celebrate in the French way! Follow me! Oui oui! S'il vous plait ! Let's danser a dance et chanter a song And soon tout le monde will be singing along! Smiling and laughing-- ha ha ha!