Security & Privacy
What is Captcha and why was it added to the site?
The Captcha security feature can be found on several of our free product send pages. This is used to verify that products sent from our websites are legitimate and are being sent by our members to share messages with family and friends. It will be necessary to select the “I’m not a robot” checkbox before you can send your free greetings and reply cards.
In some cases, you may be asked for additional security verification. When this happens you will be presented with a category and asked to select any pictures that match from a group. You can request a different set of security pictures by selecting the refresh arrow in the bottom-left corner of the box. An audio option is also available by selecting the headphones graphic in the bottom-left corner of the Captcha.
Other measures we take to protect our members and their recipients can be found in our Email Protection Resource Center. The link for this is at the bottom of our homepage and above the Captcha feature.
Will you share my personal information? (Privacy Policy)
As a member of, you are given the option to opt out of any direct email communications and marketing emails through your account settings, as well as third-party advertising by visiting or
To process your payments, it is necessary to share certain information with the third parties that process these payments and transactions. Additional information that is collected from you is used by the American Greetings Corporation to better service you and enhance your experience.
We can assure you that as a company we have taken all reasonable and proper security measures to ensure your personal information is secure within our systems.
Please click here to read our Privacy Policy.
System Requirements & Accessibility
What are the system requirements?
See below for a list of supported browser:
Chrome 54+
Edge 14+
Safari 11+
Firefox 51+
Android - Mobile
Chrome browser on...
Kit Kat
Jelly Bean
iOS - Mobile
Safari on...
iOS 10+
What is Blue Mountain’s commitment to accessibility?
Blue Mountain is committed to making accessibility a core consideration in our website design and developmental efforts. If you have questions regarding our accessibility features or need assistance using our website, please email